Today, I took my Christmas rug off the blocking board and completed the hemming of it. I was able to do the hemming very easily and the projects I stitched on the extra gauze around it are now cut off, ready for me to complete. I have been taking several pictures along the way so that I can write a new tutorial about the way I completed all of the projects on this piece of gauze.
Above, you will see a photo of the completed rug and two of it in place in my Santa's Cottage. The cottage is a 1/12th scale work-in-progress. Each year, I will be adding more to it until I am satisfied that it is complete. Are our miniature scenes ever truly complete though? I am hoping to stitch another chair (for Mrs. Claus) but also have many ideas to put into the cottage as well. I will see what I get done this year...
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remove everything from the frame and begin blocking. At the moment I am itching to begin my next petit point rug but am restraining myself until I can begin blocking this set of projects. That way I won't be delaying finishing this one in favor of beginning another. Until next time, happy stitching!
space for one more pillow around the outside of my Christmas rug then will switch to designing a small purse or two before removing the gauze from the frame and blocking everything. At that time I will find out if I have enough gauze to finish the rug and the pillows. If I do not have enough to stitch the pillows and only the edge on the rug, I will sacrifice the pillows or possibly make a little frame for them and mount them as wall hangings. When it is time to finish the rug, I will take photos of each stage and post them on this blog to show you how I did everything. Fingers crossed that my plans work!
stitch it. I also have to check my stash of silk gauze to see that I have enough to do the rug. If not, it gives me time to order more and it will arrive before I am ready to use it.
the main elements are done can quickly become very boring and can be the source of many unfinished projects. To reduce the possibility of my becoming bored, I try to do background as I am working on the main motifs. Working background can be a wonderful source of relaxation if motifs are difficult because it gives me a break from meticulous counting. This rug is not a difficult one to stitch but it is still nice to have some stretches of time where I don't have to count.
Hoping you are also enjoying time stitching or crafting for your miniature scenes. I would love to see what you are doing. Until next time...
Near the top of the photo you will see a dark red thread coming out of the middle. This is called "parking a thread". I do this with my threads when I have stitched an element and will be using that color again near where I finished the element but don't want to carry it under my surrounding stitching, or count up to the next area it should be used. In this case I will be using the dark red in the garland that adorns the tree. Instead of finishing the thread and having to start again, I have saved it out of the way of my current stitching (the cream background) so I won't accidentally stitch over it and will pick it up again later when I begin the garland. I will have to move the thread later when I stitch more of the tree but, for now, it is out of the way.
This comes in very useful when you are stitching an area with many color changes. If you stop and start your threads each time you would have a very bulky back on your rug. Since it will be carried behind an already stitched area, it doesn't show from the front through the color you have stitched if that color is a darker color. It is still a good idea not to carry threads over a light area of stitching. If you do wish to stitch over it, simply park your thread in the direction you will need it again and stitch over it before picking it back up again to stitch with. Later, when I am done the rug, I will post a photo of the back of the rug for you to see. |
AuthorMy name is Yvette, and I will be writing this blog to tell you about the creative process that has gone into the creation of my Petitpoint patterns along with showing the stitching I have done of some of the rugs. Archives
September 2024
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